Image Source: Vechorko
Hair trends are like bus stops. There is one coming right after the other nonstop. There is a hair trend for everything. There are hair trends for every occasion, every season, every song, every gathering; every occasion you can possibly think of.
In today’s post, we will highlight a few very popular and trendy hair trends for 2014. The idea to invoke a sense of fashion among our readers and viewers and get them to try out these exciting and bold hair trends. So without further ado, here they are:
The Creamsicle:
This hair style is quickly catching on and not just among female secretaries. We see this often in movies and now the fans are starting to really pick up the trend. While black colour would look just as good as the golden Creamsicle, the gold takes the cake when it comes to overall visual appeal.
Red Orange Yellow:
Imagine hair that changes colour from one end of a hair strand to the other end. Not only would it looks exotic but also visually aesthetic. Imagine Hair on each side of the shoulder starting with golden fire-red and then turning into a faint orange-ish appearance before going completely red at the base. It is a very contrasting look to the skin and it makes any type of clothing look good.
Targaryen White:
Believe it or not, White is IN for hair colour and it works with a plethora of hair styles. The Game of Thrones TV show is responsible for this hair trend becoming a smash hit. Silver hair looks absolutely exotic on young faces. It shows elegance and youth in its prime. And it says a lot about the person as well aside from the fact they are a huge Game of Thrones fan!
Green Blue
This one would need a bit of finesse and confidence to pull off as both the colours blue and green are rarely associated with hair styles but a few trendy styles exist that people find very agreeable. This one takes long natural curly hair and adds shades of blue mingled with green in it. For people who have white or pale white skin, this hair style brings out a new bold look for them.
For more information on hair styles and hair salons, be sure to visit Select Salon Studios. They are a hair salon in Toledo, Ohio and they have some of the best hair dressers in the area. They will surely hook you up with an all new bold you!